List of settings ================ Zinnia has a lot of parameters to configure the application accordingly to your needs. All settings described here can be found in **zinnia/**. ----- Entry ----- ZINNIA_ENTRY_TEMPLATES ---------------------- **Default value:** ``()`` List of tuple for extending the list of templates availables for rendering the entry. ZINNIA_ENTRY_BASE_MODEL ----------------------- **Default value:** ``''`` String defining the base Model path for the Entry model. See :doc:`extending_entry_model` for more informations. ZINNIA_UPLOAD_TO ---------------- **Default value:** ``'uploads'`` String setting that tells Zinnia where to upload entries' images. ------- Edition ------- ZINNIA_MARKUP_LANGUAGE ---------------------- **Default value:** ``'html'`` String determining the markup language used for writing the entries. ZINNIA_MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS -------------------------- **Default value:** ``''`` Extensions names to be used when rendering entries in MarkDown. ZINNIA_WYSIWYG -------------- **Default value:** ``'tinymce' if in settings.INSTALLED_APPS else 'wymeditor' if ZINNIA_MARKUP_LANGUAGE is 'html'. If MarkDown, Textile or reStructuredText are used, the value will be 'markitup'.`` Used for determining the WYSIWYG editor for editing an entry. Can also be used for disabling the WYSIWYG functionnality. ----- Views ----- ZINNIA_PAGINATION ----------------- **Default value:** ``10`` Integer used to paginate the entries. ZINNIA_ALLOW_EMPTY ------------------ **Default value:** ``True`` Used for archives views, raise a 404 error if no entries are present at the specified date. ZINNIA_ALLOW_FUTURE ------------------- **Default value:** ``True`` Used for allowing archives views in the future. ----- Feeds ----- ZINNIA_FEEDS_FORMAT ------------------- **Default value:** ``'rss'`` String determining the format of the syndication feeds. Use 'atom' for Atom feeds. ZINNIA_FEEDS_MAX_ITEMS ---------------------- **Default value:** ``15`` Integer used to define the maximum items provided in the syndication feeds. ---- URLs ---- ZINNIA_PROTOCOL --------------- **Default value:** ``'http'`` String representing the protocol of the site. ZINNIA_MEDIA_URL ---------------- **Default value:** ``os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_URL, 'zinnia/')`` String of the url that handles the media files of Zinnia. ------------------ Comment moderation ------------------ ZINNIA_AUTO_MODERATE_COMMENTS ----------------------------- **Default value:** ``False`` Determine if a new comment should be allowed to show up immediately or should be marked non-public and await approval. ZINNIA_AUTO_CLOSE_COMMENTS_AFTER -------------------------------- **Default value:** ``None`` Determine the number of days where comments are open. ZINNIA_MAIL_COMMENT_REPLY ------------------------- **Default value:** ``False`` Boolean used for sending an email to comment's authors when a new comment is posted. ZINNIA_MAIL_COMMENT_AUTHORS --------------------------- **Default value:** ``True`` Boolean used for sending an email to entry authors when a new comment is posted. ZINNIA_MAIL_COMMENT_NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENTS ------------------------------------------- **Default value:** ``list of emails based on settings.MANAGERS`` List of emails used for sending a notification when a new public comment has been posted. ZINNIA_SPAM_CHECKER_BACKENDS ---------------------------- **Default value:** ``()`` List of strings representing the module path to a spam checker backend. ------- Pinging ------- ZINNIA_PING_DIRECTORIES ----------------------- **Default value:** ``('',)`` List of the directories you want to ping. ZINNIA_PING_EXTERNAL_URLS ------------------------- **Default value:** ``True`` Boolean setting for telling if you want to ping external urls when saving an entry. ZINNIA_SAVE_PING_DIRECTORIES ---------------------------- **Default value:** ``bool(ZINNIA_PING_DIRECTORIES)`` Boolean setting for telling if you want to ping directories when saving an entry. ZINNIA_PINGBACK_CONTENT_LENGTH ------------------------------ **Default value:** ``300`` Size of the excerpt generated on pingback. ---------- Similarity ---------- ZINNIA_F_MIN ------------ **Default value:** ``0.1`` Float setting of the minimal word frequency for similar entries. ZINNIA_F_MAX ------------ **Default value:** ``1.0`` Float setting of the minimal word frequency for similar entries. ------------- Miscellaneous ------------- ZINNIA_COPYRIGHT ---------------- **Default value:** ``'Zinnia'`` String used for copyrighting the syndication feeds. ZINNIA_STOP_WORDS ----------------- **Default value:** ``See zinnia/`` List of common words excluded from the advanced search engine to optimize the search querying and the results. ZINNIA_URL_SHORTENER_BACKEND ---------------------------- **Default value:** ``'zinnia.url_shortener.backends.default'`` String representing the module path to the url shortener backend. ZINNIA_USE_TWITTER ------------------ **Default value:** ``True if python-twitter is in PYTHONPATH`` Boolean telling if Zinnia can use Twitter. --- CMS --- All the settings related to the CMS can be found in **zinnia/plugins/**. ZINNIA_APP_MENUS ---------------- **Default value:** ``('', '', '', '')`` List of strings representing the path to the Menu class provided for the Zinnia AppHook. ZINNIA_HIDE_ENTRY_MENU ---------------------- **Default value:** ``True`` Boolean used for displaying or not the entries in the EntryMenu object. ZINNIA_PLUGINS_TEMPLATES ------------------------ **Default value:** ``()`` List of tuple for extending the CMS's plugins rendering templates.