Template Tags ============= Zinnia provides several template tags based on *inclusion_tag* system to create some **widgets** in your website's templates. * get_recent_entries(number=5, template="zinnia/tags/recent_entries.html") Display the latest entries. * get_featured_entries(number=5, template="zinnia/tags/featured_entries.html") Display the featured entries. * get_random_entries(number=5, template="zinnia/tags/random_entries.html") Display random entries. * get_popular_entries(number=5, template="zinnia/tags/popular_entries.html") Display popular entries. * get_similar_entries(number=5, template="zinnia/tags/similar_entries.html") Display entries similar to an existing entry. * get_calendar_entries(year=auto, month=auto, template="zinnia/tags/calendar.html") Display an HTML calendar with date of publications. * get_archives_entries(template="zinnia/tags/archives_entries.html") Display the archives by month. * get_archives_entries_tree(template="zinnia/tags/archives_entries_tree.html") Display all the archives as a tree. * get_categories(template="zinnia/tags/categories.html") Display all the categories available. * get_authors(template="zinnia/tags/authors.html") Display all the published authors. * get_recent_comments(number=5, template="zinnia/tags/recent_comments.html") Display the latest comments. * get_recent_linkbacks(number=5, template="zinnia/tags/recent_linkbacks.html") Display the latest linkbacks. * zinnia_breadcrumbs(separator="/", root_name="Blog", template="zinnia/tags/breadcrumbs.html") Display the breadcrumbs for the pages handled by Zinnia. * get_gravatar(email, size=80, rating='g', default=None) Display the Gravatar image associated to an email, useful for comments. The usage of the *template* argument allow you to reuse and customize the rendering of a template tag in a generic way. Like this you can display the same template tag many times in your pages but with a different form.