======== Channels ======== .. module:: zinnia.views.channels Views by author, categories, tags is not enough :). The idea is to create specific pages based on a query search. Imagine that we want to customize the homepage of the Weblog, because we write on a variety of subjects and we don't want to bore visitors who aren't interested in some really specific entries. Another usage of the channels is for SEO, for aggregating entries under a well-formatted URL. For doing that Zinnia provides a view called :class:`~zinnia.views.channels.EntryChannel`. If we take our first example, we will do like that for customizing the Weblog homepage in our project's urls.py. :: from zinnia.views.channels import EntryChannel url(r'^weblog/$', EntryChannel.as_view( query='category:python OR category:django'), url(r'^weblog/', include('zinnia.urls')), The first URL will handle the homepage of the blog instead of the default URL provided by Zinnia. As we can see, the only required argument for this view is ``query``. This parameter represents a query search string. This string will be interpreted by the search engine activated in Zinnia and return a list of entries (See :doc:`search_engines` for more informations). So our homepage will only display entries filled under the categories **Python** or **Django**. The others parameters handled by the channel view are the same that the generic view named :class:`~django.views.generic.list.ListView`.