================ List of settings ================ .. module:: zinnia.settings Zinnia has a lot of parameters to configure the application accordingly to your needs. Knowing this list of settings can save you a lot of time. Here's a full list of all available settings, and their default values. All settings described here can be found in :file:`zinnia/settings.py`. .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 .. _settings-entry: Entry ===== .. setting:: ZINNIA_ENTRY_TEMPLATES ZINNIA_ENTRY_TEMPLATES ---------------------- **Default value:** ``()`` (Empty tuple) List of tuple for extending the list of templates availables for rendering the entry. By using this setting, you can change the look and feel of an entry directly in the admin interface. Example: :: ZINNIA_ENTRY_TEMPLATES = (('entry_detail_alternate.html', gettext('Alternative template')),) .. setting:: ZINNIA_ENTRY_BASE_MODEL ZINNIA_ENTRY_BASE_MODEL ----------------------- **Default value:** ``''`` (Empty string) String defining the base model path for the Entry model. See :doc:`/how-to/extending_entry_model` for more informations. .. setting:: ZINNIA_UPLOAD_TO ZINNIA_UPLOAD_TO ---------------- **Default value:** ``'uploads/zinnia'`` String setting that tells Zinnia where to upload entries' images. .. versionchanged:: 0.10 Previously the default value was ``'uploads'``. .. _settings-edition: Edition ======= .. setting:: ZINNIA_MARKUP_LANGUAGE ZINNIA_MARKUP_LANGUAGE ---------------------- **Default value:** ``'html'`` String determining the markup language used for writing the entries. You can use one of these values: :: ['html', 'markdown', 'restructuredtext', 'textile'] The value of this variable will alter the value of :setting:`ZINNIA_WYSIWYG` if you don't set it. .. setting:: ZINNIA_MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS ZINNIA_MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS -------------------------- **Default value:** ``''`` (Empty string) Extensions names to be used for rendering the entries in MarkDown. Example: :: ZINNIA_MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS = 'extension1_name,extension2_name...' .. setting:: ZINNIA_WYSIWYG ZINNIA_WYSIWYG -------------- **Default value:** :: WYSIWYG_MARKUP_MAPPING = { 'textile': 'markitup', 'markdown': 'markitup', 'restructuredtext': 'markitup', 'html': 'tinymce' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS and \ 'tinymce' or 'wymeditor'} WYSIWYG = getattr(settings, 'ZINNIA_WYSIWYG', WYSIWYG_MARKUP_MAPPING.get(ZINNIA_MARKUP_LANGUAGE)) Determining the WYSIWYG editor used for editing an entry. So if MarkDown, Textile or reStructuredText are used, the value will be ``'markitup'``, but if you use HTML, TinyMCE will be used if :ref:`django-tinymce is installed`, else WYMEditor will be used. This setting can also be used for disabling the WYSIWYG functionnality. Example: :: ZINNIA_WYSIWYG = None .. _settings-views: Views ===== .. setting:: ZINNIA_PAGINATION ZINNIA_PAGINATION ----------------- **Default value:** ``10`` Integer used to paginate the entries. So by default you will have 10 entries displayed per page on the Weblog. .. setting:: ZINNIA_ALLOW_EMPTY ZINNIA_ALLOW_EMPTY ------------------ **Default value:** ``True`` Used for archives views, raise a 404 error if no entries are present at a specified date. .. setting:: ZINNIA_ALLOW_FUTURE ZINNIA_ALLOW_FUTURE ------------------- **Default value:** ``True`` Used for allowing archives views in the future. .. _settings-feeds: Feeds ===== .. setting:: ZINNIA_FEEDS_FORMAT ZINNIA_FEEDS_FORMAT ------------------- **Default value:** ``'rss'`` String determining the format of the syndication feeds. You can use ``'atom'`` if your prefer Atom feeds. .. setting:: ZINNIA_FEEDS_MAX_ITEMS ZINNIA_FEEDS_MAX_ITEMS ---------------------- **Default value:** ``15`` Integer used to define the maximum items provided in the syndication feeds. So by default you will have 15 entries displayed on the feeds. .. _settings-urls: URLs ==== .. setting:: ZINNIA_URL_SHORTENER_BACKEND ZINNIA_URL_SHORTENER_BACKEND ---------------------------- **Default value:** ``'zinnia.url_shortener.backends.default'`` String representing the module path to the URL shortener backend. .. setting:: ZINNIA_PROTOCOL ZINNIA_PROTOCOL --------------- **Default value:** ``'http'`` String representing the protocol of the site. If your Web site uses HTTPS, set this setting to ``https``. .. _settings-comments: Comment moderation ================== .. setting:: ZINNIA_AUTO_MODERATE_COMMENTS ZINNIA_AUTO_MODERATE_COMMENTS ----------------------------- **Default value:** ``False`` Determine if a new comment should be allowed to show up immediately or should be marked non-public and await approval. .. setting:: ZINNIA_AUTO_CLOSE_COMMENTS_AFTER ZINNIA_AUTO_CLOSE_COMMENTS_AFTER -------------------------------- **Default value:** ``None`` Determine the number of days where comments are open. If you set this setting to ``10`` the comments will be closed automaticaly 10 days after the publication date of your entries. .. setting:: ZINNIA_MAIL_COMMENT_REPLY ZINNIA_MAIL_COMMENT_REPLY ------------------------- **Default value:** ``False`` Boolean used for sending an email to comment's authors when a new comment is posted. .. setting:: ZINNIA_MAIL_COMMENT_AUTHORS ZINNIA_MAIL_COMMENT_AUTHORS --------------------------- **Default value:** ``True`` Boolean used for sending an email to entry authors when a new comment is posted. .. setting:: ZINNIA_MAIL_COMMENT_NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENTS ZINNIA_MAIL_COMMENT_NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENTS ------------------------------------------- **Default value:** :: [manager_tuple[1] for manager_tuple in settings.MANAGERS] List of emails used for sending a notification when a new public comment has been posted. .. setting:: ZINNIA_SPAM_CHECKER_BACKENDS ZINNIA_SPAM_CHECKER_BACKENDS ---------------------------- **Default value:** ``()`` (Empty tuple) List of strings representing the module path to a spam checker backend. See :doc:`/topics/spam_checker` for more informations about this setting. .. setting:: ZINNIA_COMMENT_MIN_WORDS ZINNIA_COMMENT_MIN_WORDS ------------------------ **Default value:** ``4`` Minimal number of words required to post a comment if :func:`zinnia.spam_checker.backends.long_enough.backend` is enabled in :setting:`ZINNIA_SPAM_CHECKER_BACKENDS`. .. _settings-pinging: Pinging ======= .. setting:: ZINNIA_PING_DIRECTORIES ZINNIA_PING_DIRECTORIES ----------------------- **Default value:** ``('http://django-blog-zinnia.com/xmlrpc/',)`` List of the directories you want to ping. .. setting:: ZINNIA_PING_EXTERNAL_URLS ZINNIA_PING_EXTERNAL_URLS ------------------------- **Default value:** ``True`` Boolean setting for telling if you want to ping external URLs when saving an entry. .. setting:: ZINNIA_SAVE_PING_DIRECTORIES ZINNIA_SAVE_PING_DIRECTORIES ---------------------------- **Default value:** ``bool(ZINNIA_PING_DIRECTORIES)`` Boolean setting for telling if you want to ping directories when saving an entry. .. setting:: ZINNIA_PINGBACK_CONTENT_LENGTH ZINNIA_PINGBACK_CONTENT_LENGTH ------------------------------ **Default value:** ``300`` Size of the excerpt generated on pingback. .. _settings-similarity: Similarity ========== .. setting:: ZINNIA_F_MIN ZINNIA_F_MIN ------------ **Default value:** ``0.1`` Float setting of the minimal word frequency for similar entries. .. setting:: ZINNIA_F_MAX ZINNIA_F_MAX ------------ **Default value:** ``1.0`` Float setting of the minimal word frequency for similar entries. .. _settings-misc: Miscellaneous ============= .. setting:: ZINNIA_COPYRIGHT ZINNIA_COPYRIGHT ---------------- **Default value:** ``'Zinnia'`` String used for copyrighting your entries, used in the syndication feeds and in the opensearch document. .. setting:: ZINNIA_STOP_WORDS ZINNIA_STOP_WORDS ----------------- **Default value:** See :file:`zinnia/settings.py` List of common words excluded from the advanced search engine to optimize the search querying and the results. .. setting:: ZINNIA_USE_TWITTER ZINNIA_USE_TWITTER ------------------ **Default value:** ``True if python-twitter is in the PYTHONPATH`` Boolean telling if Zinnia can use Twitter.