
In addition to the add, change and delete permissions automatically created, the default Entry model provides three extra permissions. These permissions will be used in the admin site to provide a collaborative work feature when creating and editing the entries. You can use these permissions in your custom views and templates and of course change the list of Entry’s permissions by Extending Entry model.

See also

django.db.models.Options.permissions for more information about the permissions on the Django models.

Now let’s move on to the descriptions and implementations of these permissions.

Can view all entries

In the admin site, this permission is used to limit the entries displayed and editable by a staff member. If the user does not have this permission, only his own entries will be editable. It’s particulary useful when you have multiple authors and you don’t want them to be allowed to share the entries

Can change status

Thanks to this permission, a user can change the status of an entry. If the user is not granted with this permission, he will be able to create entries but they will remain in the DRAFT status until someone granted with this permission changes the status to PUBLISH.

Or you can let an user edit your entries without letting him change the publication status.

Can change authors

This permission allows a user to change the authors who can participate to the entries. When you create an entry, you will be its author by default, unless you set the authors field. If you are granted with this permission, you can assign any staff member to the authors’ list. If you set an author who does not have the can_view_all permission, he will now be able to view the entry.

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