CHANGELOG ========= 0.11 ---- * Django 1.3 is no longer supported 0.10.1 ------ * Django 1.4 compatibility support * Compatibility with django-mptt >= 5.1 * ``zinnia.plugins`` is now removed 0.10 ---- * Better default templates * CSS refactoring with Sass3 * Statistics about the content * Improvement of the documentation * Entry's Meta options can be extended * Django 1.2 is no longer supported * ``zinnia.plugins`` is deprecated in favor of ``cmsplugin_zinnia`` * And a lot of bug fixes 0.9 --- * Improved URL shortening * Improved moderation system * Better support of django-tagging * Blogger to Zinnia utility command * OpenSearch capabilities * Upgraded search engine * Feed to Zinnia utility command * And a lot of bug fixes 0.8 --- * Admin dashboard * Featured entries * Using Microformats * Mails for comment reply * Entry model can be extended * More plugins for django-cms * Zinnia to Wordpress utility command * Code cleaning and optimizations * And a lot of bug fixes 0.7 --- * Using signals * Trackback support * Ping external URLs * Private posts * Hierarchical categories * TinyMCE integration * Code optimizations * And a lot of bug fixes 0.6 --- * Handling PingBacks * Support MetaWeblog API * Passing to Django 1.2.x * Breadcrumbs templatetag * Bug correction in calendar widget * Wordpress to Zinnia utility command * Major bug correction on publication system * And a lot of bug fixes 0.5 --- * Packaging * Tests added * Translations * Better templates * New templatetags * Plugins for django-cms * Twitter and support * Publishing sources on 0.4 and before -------------- * The previous versions of Zinnia were not packaged, and were destinated for a personnal use.