

Make sure to install these packages prior to installation :

The packages below are optionnal but needed for run the full test suite.

Note that all the dependencies will be resolved if you install Zinnia with pip or easy_install, excepting Django.

Getting the code

You could retrieve the last sources from and run the installation script

$ python install

or use pip

$ pip install -e git://

For the latest stable version use easy_install

$ easy_install django-blog-zinnia


Then register zinnia, and these following applications in the INSTALLED_APPS section of your project’s settings.

  # Your favorite apps

Template Context Processors

Add these following template context processors if not already present.

  'zinnia.context_processors.version', # Optional

Media Files

You have to make a symbolic link from zinnia/media/zinnia directory to your media directory or make a copy named zinnia, but if want to change this value, define ZINNIA_MEDIA_URL in the as appropriate.

And don’t forget to serve this URL.


Add the following lines to your project’s in order to display the blog.

url(r'^weblog/', include('zinnia.urls')),
url(r'^comments/', include('django.contrib.comments.urls')),

Note that the default zinnia URLset is provided for convenient usage, but you can customize your URLs if you want. Here’s how :

url(r'^', include('zinnia.urls.capabilities')),
url(r'^search/', include('')),
url(r'^sitemap/', include('zinnia.urls.sitemap')),
url(r'^trackback/', include('zinnia.urls.trackback')),
url(r'^weblog/tags/', include('zinnia.urls.tags')),
url(r'^weblog/feeds/', include('zinnia.urls.feeds')),
url(r'^weblog/authors/', include('zinnia.urls.authors')),
url(r'^weblog/categories/', include('zinnia.urls.categories')),
url(r'^weblog/discussions/', include('zinnia.urls.discussions')),
url(r'^weblog/', include('zinnia.urls.quick_entry')),
url(r'^weblog/', include('zinnia.urls.entries')),
url(r'^comments/', include('django.contrib.comments.urls')),

Table Of Contents

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Django Blog Zinnia

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Upgrading Zinnia

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