7. Import / Export

If you already have a blog, Zinnia has the ability to import your posts from other blogging platforms. Useful for rapid migration.

7.1. From WordPress to Zinnia

Zinnia provides a command for importing export files from WordPress.


Once you have the XML file, you simply have to do this.

$ python manage.py wp2zinnia path/to/your/wordpress.xml

This command will associate the post’s authors to User and import the tags, categories, post and comments.

For the options execute this.

$ python manage.py help wp2zinnia

7.2. From Zinnia to WordPress

Zinnia also provides a command for exporting your blog to WordPress in the case you want to migrate on it.

Simply execute this command :

$ python manage.py zinnia2wp > export.xml

Once you have the XML export, you can import it into your WordPress site.


7.3. From Blogger to Zinnia

If you are comming from Blogger, you can import your posts and comments with this simple command :

$ python manage.py blogger2zinnia

For the options execute this.

$ python manage.py help blogger2zinnia

Note that you need to install the gdata package to run the importation.

7.4. From Feed to Zinnia

If you don’t have the possibility to export your posts but have a RSS or Atom feed on your weblog, Zinnia can import it. This command is the most generic way to import content into Zinnia. Simply execute this command:

$ python manage.py feed2zinnia http://url.of/the/feed

For the options execute this.

$ python manage.py help feed2zinnia

Note that you need to install the feedparser package to run the importation.

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